
Prayer Diary – December 2024 to May 2025

Category: Uncategorized

We are pleased to be able to share our latest Prayer Diary with you - click here to go to our Resources page where you can download a PDF version. For those of you who prefer to access the diary via the Prayer Mate app, you can read more about how to do that here. Printed copies have been…

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Prayer Diary – June to November 2024

Category: Prayer Diary, Uncategorized

We are pleased to be able to share our latest Prayer Diary with you - click here to go to our Resources page where you can download a PDF version.For those of you who prefer to access the diary via the Prayer Mate App, you can read more about how to do that here.Printed copies are being sent to all…

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Partnership Training Day – 7 June 2022

Category: Uncategorized

Harmony or discord? Working through issues of conflict, change and control in the local church.10am to 4.15pm, Tuesday 7 June at Cuckfield Baptist ChurchDownload a flyer Further details and booking page

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2021 Annual Conference audio files available

Category: Blog, Evangelism and Mission

Click here to download the audio files and catch up on a fantastic day!

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Annual Conference 2021 – programme

Category: Blog, Events

EVERYDAY FAITH, EVERYDAY FRUITFULNESSSaturday 13 November 2021, 10am to 3.30pmat The King's Centre, Victoria Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 9LRYou can view/download the full programme by clicking here.Make sure you save the date!   It's for ALL ages!Online bookings open early September. 

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A Passion for Life 2022 – it’s time to get ready!

Category: Blog, Evangelism and Mission

Can you imagine churches across the UK and Ireland joining together for a focussed month of mission - a mission that involves thousands of Christians who continue in a life-time of confidently sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with those around them?  This is the vision of A Passion for Life…

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Preaching Reset – with David Jackman

Category: Blog

The video files from our Spring Partnershp Meeting with David Jackman, on a 'Preaching Reset' are now available in the Resources Section of our website, here. 

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2021 Events for Everyone

Category: Events

Click here to view our calendar of events open to everyone in 2021

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Does your church have a strategy to connect with ALL children?

Category: Blog, Children's Ministry, Events, Youth Work

Our next 'Come and See' training morning for all those involved in teaching or leading children or teenagers will be focussing on how we get ALL children involved.Does your church have a strategy to connect with every child, including those with special educational needs (SEN)?We are really looking…

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Praying for Grace Plant Brighton

Category: Blog, Church Planting, Events, Uncategorized

David Skull (aka Skully) who is currently senior pastor of Grace Church Guildford is committed to planting a new gospel church in Brighton.  By faith, he is looking to move to Brighton with his family this Summer.  You can find out more about this whole venture by watching this video.It would be…

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We are on PrayerMate!

Category: Blog, Prayer Diary, Supporters

For those of you who prefer to access prayer diaries online, we have now made our latest diary available on PrayerMate.  If you've not used PrayerMate before, it's an App that helps encourage supporters to pray regularly, without the need to have a paper diary with you all the time!  It also…

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Reading the Word One to One

Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Evangelism and Mission, Events, Partnership Training Days, Resources, Talks, Training Courses, Training Events

We enjoyed an inspiring, encouraging and very practical Partnership Training afternoon on Tuesday 3 November 2020 with Richard Borgonon from The Word One to One. Richard helped us to think about how we invite people to read 18 sentences (John 1:1-18) of the Bible, over a coffee, using some great…

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Partnership Training Afternoon – open for booking!

Category: Blog, Events, Training Courses, Uncategorized

Tuesday 3 November 2020, 1.50 to 4.15pm, on ZoomCome and join those on the Sussex Ministry Training Course for an afternoon when our guest speaker, Richard Borgonon from Word One to One, will share with us how reading God's Word one-to-one has transformed his life and witness, and give us practical…

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SORTED BY THE SEA – September 2020

Category: Events, Youth Work

Click on the flyer to see a larger version.More info will be available nearer the time.        

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Category: Blog, Events, Youth Work


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Music Ministry Training Event – April 2020

Category: Blog, Events, Training Events

Come and join us for our next Music Ministry Training Event on Saturday morning, 25 April 2020, in Cuckfield, near Haywards Heath. It'll be a great event for church music teams to come along to together, so click here for more info and to book your places!

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OPEN FOR BOOKING: Understanding Islam Today

Category: Blog, Evangelism and Mission, Events, Training Courses

Come and join us for our next Partnership Training Day on Tuesday 11 February 2020.   These days are OPEN TO ALL.Peter will be coming to speak to us about Understanding Islam Today. You can find out more and book your place(s) by clicking here.

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OPEN FOR BOOKING! Children with Special / Additional Needs

Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Children's Ministry, Events, Training Events, Youth Work

Come and join us for our next Come and See training morning when Rory Bell will be helping us to think through a strategy for providing an inclusive Bible teaching programme for all children, regardless of their particular educational challenges.You can find out more and book your place(s) by…

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Sorted by the Sea – January 2020

Category: Blog, Events, Uncategorized

Click the image below to see a larger version      Bring your youth groups!Great evenings for 14-18s centred on teaching the Bible creatively and engagingly , with loads of young people from SGP churches.£1 per teenager, to cover costs.  No need to book.  

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1 Peter – A pathway for marginalised Christians

Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Events, Talks

Come and hear Angus MacLeay teach us from 1 Peter at our next Ministry Training Morning.1 Peter encourages and guide us when we are under pressure from our surrounding culture. What are the truths that should particularly encourage us? What should our priorities be? How should we respond? 1 Peter…

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Annual Conference – OPEN FOR BOOKING!

Category: Uncategorized

The Praying Churchwith main speaker Rupert Bentley TaylorSaturday 23 November 2019, from 10am to 3:30pm at The King's Centre, Burgess Hill.It's open to everyone, so please do come and join us!  Adult programme and full children's programme for those aged 0 to school year 11.Places for children are

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SMTC – still taking applications!

Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Training Courses

Our monthly Saturday Morning Bible Training Course is now full (with a reserve list!) but we are still taking applications for our Sussex Ministry Training Course, which meets on Tuesdays in Haywards Heath, from 10:30am to 4:15pm.   We start on 24th September, so if you'd like to apply, please…

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NEW! Music Ministry Training events

Category: Blog, Events

Are you involved in leading the music ministry in your church?  If so, then come and join us!The first of our new Music Ministry Training events is aimed at those leading music ministry in their churches and will be a great opportunity to get to know others in Sussex who are serving in similar…

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Category: Blog, Resources, Talks, Uncategorized

The audios and handouts from our Ministry Training Morning on One to One Discipleship are now available on our website here.  The morning was open to all and applicable to all Christians seeking to share the Bible with others, so do take the time to listen and read!

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Marriage Refreshment for Ministry Couples

Category: Blog, Events

All marriages benefit from time for husband and wife to reflect on their marriage, talk to each other and refresh their relationship. The pressures and demands of Christian ministry can make this all the more important as well as all the more difficult to do. Combine ministry with family life and…

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Thrive 2019

Category: Blog, Events

Thursday 17 October 2019 10am to 1pm, followed by lunch Already involved in Church Planting or Revitalisation in Sussex? Want to find out if Planting and Revitalisation could be for you? Is your Church interested in supporting Planting and Revitalisation? Then Thrive is a half day…

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14 JUNE – change to planned Sorted-by-the-Sea event!

Category: Blog, Events, Uncategorized, Youth Work

A great event for 14 - 18s! There's been a change in the theme for our next event on 14 June - click on the image below to see a larger version of the revised flyer. Bring your youth groups - no booking required, and just £1 per teenager to cover costs! We shall be looking at Hebrews 10,…

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Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Children's Ministry, Events, Youth Work

Are you involved with children's and youth work on a regular basis? If so, come and be revived! We are really looking forward to Ed Drew from Faith in Kids coming to lead our day together this year. Ed's going to encourage us and show us how we can better partner with parents to benefit…

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Purely Preschoolers! OPEN FOR BOOKING!

Category: Blog, Children's Ministry, Talks

Saturday 22 June 2019, from 9:30am to 1pm, in Haywards Heath A great morning for all those involved in caring for and teaching preschoolers in church-based groups. Our guest speaker is Tamar Pollard, from Grace Church, Bedford, who has much experience of working with children of all ages - initially

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BOOK IN A DAY: Revelation

Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Events, Training Courses, Uncategorized

Come and join the Sussex Ministry Training Course for a day that is OPEN TO ALL! We are really looking forward to Philip Wells coming to teach the book of Revelation on Tuesday 4 June.  It needn't be the book of the Bible you avoid because it seems weird and hard to understand.  Revelation…

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Talking about Jesus!

Category: Blog, Evangelism and Mission, Resources, Training Courses, Training Events

The audio files from our special training day last week with Martin Povey are now available in the Resources section of our website - do take the time listen as it was a very informative, practically helpful and encouraging day!

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Category: Blog, Children's Ministry, Partnership Meetings, Partnership Meetings, Resources, Youth Work

Ed Drew from Faith in Kids joined us at our Partnership Meeting last week and gave us two biblically informed, stimulating, informative, challenging and encouraging sessions, to help us think afresh about the ministry of the local church to children and young people and their experience of…

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2 March 2019 – getting REAL in our ministry with children and young people

Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Children's Ministry, Youth Work

Are you seeking to teach the Bible to children in your family, or in a church, school or other setting? If so, come and explore a Biblical model of ministry that takes seriously the need to build relationships, teach the Bible, model the gospel and see young lives radically changed by the power…

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12 February 2019 – Talking about Jesus in a Jesus rejecting world

Category: Blog, Events, Training Courses

An open invitation to everyone to join the Sussex Ministry Training Course (SMTC) for a day on Tuesday 12 February 2019, when Martin Povey will be helping us to think through how we talk naturally about Jesus in a Jesus-rejecting world. We meet from 10:30am to 4:15pm at Christ Church Haywards…

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Sorted by the Sea – next meeting!

Category: Blog, Youth Work

Our next Sorted by the Sea event for 14-18s is on Friday 25 January, from 7:30 to 9:15pm at Bishop Hannington, Hove, BN3 7NH. Rory Graham will be speaking on 'To God be the Glory'. Do bring your youth-groups along for a great evening with others from across Sussex! Just £1 per teenager, to

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2018 Annual Conference – open for booking!

Category: Blog, Events

Saturday 10 November, from 10am to 3pm, at The King's Centre, Burgess Hill, RH15 9LR Our Annual Conference promises to be a great day as we come together to consider how The Gospel Changes Everything. Our new identity in Christ means we are to live in a new way. Everything is to change: our…

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Sorted by the Sea – next event!

Category: Blog, Youth Work

Our next Sorted by the Sea event for 14-18s is on Friday 21 September, from 7:30 to 9:15pm at Bishop Hannington, Hove, BN3 7NH. Stephen Demetriou will be speaking on 'Working all things for good: trusting Christ through suffering'. Do bring your youth-groups along for a great evening with…

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Have you considered joining one of our Bible training courses this September?

Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Resources, Training Courses, Training Events

We still have a few places left for our Bible training courses, starting in just 4 weeks! SUSSEX MINISTRY TRAINING COURSE (SMTC) 33 Tuesdays from September to July One Year - with the option of doing a second year at Christ Church, New England Road, Haywards Heath, RH16 3LE Cost: £190…

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Purely Preschoolers – resources now available

Category: Blog, Children's Ministry, Resources, Sussex Youthworks, Training Events, Youth Work

The audio files and handout from our 'Purely Preschoolers' training morning last month are now available via our website here. These mornings are for all those involved in caring for and teaching preschoolers in church-based groups. Our Sussex Youthworks team provide one morning a year focused

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Depression: How can we help?

Category: Blog, Ministry Training Mornings, Resources, Talks

We were delighted to welcome Helen Thorne to our Ministry Training Morning last week, to help us think through the question 'Depression: How can we help?'. Helen led two extremely helpful sessions and you can listen to these, and download her slides, by clicking here.

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NEW! 3-minute video promoting our Bible Training Courses

Category: Blog, Training Courses, Uncategorized

Ever thought about joining us for one of our Bible Training Courses?   Through lectures, group work, class discussions and teaching workshops, students of all ages on the courses grow in Biblical understanding, confidence and Christianity maturity.  Click here to see our new 3 minute video and…

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Book in a Day: JOSHUA

Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Events, Talks, Training Courses

Our Director of Training and Development, Nick McQuaker, led our Sussex Ministry Training Course 'special day' last week, when we looked at the book of Joshua in a day. You can listen to the four sessions, and download the handouts, by going to our Resources section, here.

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Older People and the Church

Category: Blog, Events, Partnership Meetings

We were really pleased to welcome Roger Hitchings to our most recent Parnterhsip Meeting, to speak on Demographic Changes, and Older People and the Church. You can listen to the two sessions Roger led, and view his slides, by going to our Resources Section, here.

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SGP Wives

Category: Blog, Events, Uncategorized

Click on the image below to enlarge

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Category: Blog, Church Planting, Events

Come and join us for a half day conference to meet and learn from others involved in Church revitalisation and planting in Sussex. Wednesday 20 June 2018, in Lindfield. Click here for more info

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Annual Conference 2018

Category: Blog, Events

SAVE THE DATE! Our 2018 Annual Conference is planned for Saturday 10 November - do get the date in your diaries now and encourage your churches, friends and family to join us.  Our main speaker this year will be author, speaker, trainer and counsellor, Dr Tim Lane.  Tim is the Founder and…

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Category: Blog, Children's Ministry, Events, Youth Work

Are you involved in full or part-time children's and youth ministry?   If you are, we'd love you to come and join us for the day! Take some time out to have your batteries revived; your eyes fixed on Christ, and meet with other children's and youth leaders. Thursday 7 June, from 10am to 3pm,

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Come and See – Purely Preschoolers!

Category: Blog, Children's Ministry, Events, Youth Work

We are now taking bookings for our second 'Purely Pre-schoolers' morning!  It's a great morning for all those involved in caring for and teaching pre-schoolers in church based groups. Saturday 23 June 2018, from 9:30am to midday, at Christ Church, Haywards Heath. For full details, and to…

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BIBLE TRAINING COURSES – now taking applications for September 2018

Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Training Courses, Training Events, Uncategorized

We are now taking applications for our Bible Training Courses, starting again in September 2018. Click here for full details, including downloading the course brochures and requesting an application form.

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Book in a day: THE BOOK OF JOSHUA

Category: Blog, Events, Training Events

An open invitation to everyone to join the Sussex Ministry Training Course (SMTC) for a day on Tuesday 5 June 2018, when Nick McQuaker, the SGP's Director off Training and Development will be teaching the book of Joshua. Coming to us from a distant time and far off place, Joshua is nonetheless a…

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Sorted by the Sea – Friday 15 June, 7:30pm

Category: Blog, Uncategorized, Youth Work

Our next Sorted-by-the-Sea event for 14-18s is on Friday 15 June, from 7:30 to 9:15pm. at BishopHannington Church, Nevill Avenue, Hove, BN3 7NH Our theme this time will be Who do you think you are? Understanding what it means to be made in the image of God Bring your youth groups! Click…

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Leaders’ Training Morning – Wednesday 11 July

Category: Blog, Events, Uncategorized

Our next Leaders' Training Morning is on Wednesday 11 July, from 10am to 1pm, followed by lunch, at Cuckfield Baptist Church. Our theme will be Depression:  How can we help?  How does the Bible frame the experience of depression? Is it pointless or somehow purposeful? What should be our…

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Audio resources available for download

Category: Blog, Events, Resources, Talks

The audio files from the following events are now available for download. Click on the events below and you will be taken to the Resources section of our website: Purely Preschoolers 2017 Annual Conference Eternal - living for eternity in a now culture Main lectures and seminars available,…

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Sorted by the Sea – January 2018

Category: Blog, Events, Youth Work

REMINDER! Bring your youth groups (14s-18s) to our next Sorted by the Sea event in Hove this Friday, 26 January 2018.  There's  been a change to the original theme - we'll now be thinking about In the beginning - Worshipping and enjoying the God who made you. Contact Rich Arnold if you want to

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Annual Conference 2017 – resources now available

Category: Blog, Resources, Talks, Uncategorized

If you missed our Annual Conference in November, or want to listen to any of the sessions again, the audio files and handouts from the adult plenary sessions and seminars are now all available here. SAVE THE DATE! Our 2018 Annual Conference is planned for Saturday 10 November - do get the date

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20 February 2018 – SMTC Special Day – The Gospel and Nations

Category: Blog, Events, Training Courses

An open invitation to everyone to join the Sussex Ministry Training Course (SMTC) for a day on Tuesday 20 February 2018, when Richard and Catherine Weston will be joining us to speak on 'The Gospel and Nations'. We meet from 10:30am to 4:15pm at Christ Church Haywards Heath. Click here for…

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Leaders’ Training Morning – 7 March 2018

Category: Blog, Events

In November, we launched our new SGP Leaders' Training Mornings. These are aimed at resourcing church leaders who are involved in the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. We invite speakers with particular expertise and experience to address topics we believe are of immediate contemporary…

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Melvin Tinker – Book Recommendations

Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Events, Talks, Talks

Following two events with Melvin Tinker last week, we would like to recommend the following books to you, by Melvin: Mass destruction – Is God Guilty of Genocide? Addressing the matter of God’s character and how His goodness relates to passages in the Bible which speak of the carrying out of

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Mass Destruction – Is God Guilty of Genocide?

Category: Blog, Events

Click on the image below to see a larger version of the flyer Click here to book your FREE place(s)

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Annual Conference Video

Category: Blog

Trailer for the SGP's Annual Conference to be held on Saturday 18 November  

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Come and See! Booking Open!

Category: Blog, Events, Uncategorized, Youth Work

We are really looking forward to our next Sussex Youthworks 'Come and See' training morning, which will be led by Martin Povey on the theme of 'Helping our Young People to share the Gospel today' Saturday 14 October 2017, 9:30am to midday at Christ Church, New England Road, Haywards Heath, West…

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Have you considered joining one of our Bible training courses this September?

Category: Blog, Training Courses, Uncategorized

We are now taking bookings for September 2017, for the following training courses: SUSSEX MINISTRY TRAINING COURSE (SMTC) Every Tuesday in term time One Year with the option of doing a second year at Christ Church, New England Road, Haywards Heath, RH16 3LE Cost:  £180 per term (£540…

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NEW! SGP Leaders’ Training Mornings

Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Events, Preaching

In November, we are launching our new SGP Leaders' Training Mornings. These are aimed at resourcing church leaders who are involved in the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. We invite speakers with particular expertise and experience to address topics we believe are of immediate contemporary…

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The Reformation – lectures with Garry Williams

Category: Blog, Events, Training Courses

Here are some photos of our joint SEMS and SMTC 'special day' with Garry Williams lecturing on What is true reformation?  Lessons for reforming our churches today.  Lunch break!

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SEMS and SMTC Special Day with Garry Williams

Category: Blog, Events, Sussex Evangelical Ministry Seminars (SEMS), Talks, Training Courses

SEMS joined with the Sussex Ministry Training Course on 16 May 2017 to hear Garry Williams give four lectures on What is true reformation?  Lessons for reforming our churches today. We had a great number join us for the day and people said how clear and helpful the lectures were.  You can…

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Come & See – Purely Pre-schoolers

Category: Blog, Children's Ministry, Events

A morning for all those involved in caring for and teaching pre-schoolers in church based groups. Come and be encouraged to keep the Bible central to your ministries; share your encouragements, challengers and top-tips; find out what's going on in other SGP churches; share your training needs to…

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Audio files – ‘Come and See’ training morning – 18 March 2017

Category: Blog, Children's Ministry, Events, Resources, Youth Work

Bible-centred training for anyone involved in teaching or leading children or teenagers We were very pleased to have Rory Bell join us again as our main speaker on Saturday 18 March 2017 at our 'Come and See' training morning for all those involved in leading and helping with children's and youth

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Sorted by the Sea – 14s to 18s

Category: Blog, Events, Uncategorized, Youth Work

The next Sorted by the Sea event for 14s to 18s in Hove is on Friday 23 June 2017.   The theme this time is LIFE TO THE FULL - Know Jesus, Know Life! Just £1 per young person, to cover costs. Venue: Bishop Hannington Church. Nevill Avenue, Hove, BN3 7NH For further info please contact…

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Audio files available

Category: Resources

The audio files from the following events are now available for download by clicking on the links below: Partnership Meeting - February 2017 - Mark Redhouse speaking on Prayer Sussex Evangelical Ministry Seminar - March 2017 - Nick McQuaker speaking on Preaching Matthew  

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Women’s Day – Saturday 10 June 2017

Category: Events

The theme of the Women's Day at All Saints', Crowborough, this year is 'Standing firm, by pressing on', with main speaker Ruth Bridcut. Ruth is the Women's Worker at Immanuel Church, Dublin, having previously studied at the Cornhill Training Course. She loves studying the Bible and teaching it to

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Sussex Evangelical Ministry Seminars – audio files

Category: Blog, Resources, Sussex Evangelical Ministry Seminars (SEMS)

Audio files are now available from the following SEMS meetings, via the Resources section of our website, or by clicking on the links below: After the Revolution? The collapse and revival of the Christian moral vision Speaker: Glynn Harrison The Bible's Buried Secrets: What archaeology is…

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Partnership Meeting – 7 June 2017

Category: Blog, Events, Partnership Meetings, Partnership Meetings, Uncategorized

At our Partnership Meeting, on Wednesday 7 June 2017, Ed Shaw and others from Living Out are coming to run a whole-day training event (10am to 4:30pm).   We are lifting the usual restrictions on numbers so that SGP Partners, and others, can join us for the day and bring people with them from their

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Training Day – What is true reformation?

Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Events, Training Courses, Training Events

What is true reformation? Lessons for reforming our churches today, with guest speaker Garry Williams The SGP’s Sussex Ministry Training Course (SMTC) and Sussex Evangelical Ministry Seminars are meeting together today.  The day is also open to others and it’s a particularly good…

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Marriage Refresher for Ministers and their Wives

Category: Blog

Marriage Refresher for Ministers and their Wives, with Andrew and Katherine Cornes. 11am Wednesday 8th to lunchtime on Thursday 9th November 2017, at The Oasts Christian Retreat Centre, near Rye. Twenty six hours together to look at the Bible's teaching on married life, to learn from Andrew…

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Come and See – 18 March 2017 – OPEN FOR BOOKING!

Category: Children's Ministry, Training Events, Youth Work

Saturday 18 March 2017, 9:30am to 1pm at Cuckfield Baptist Church, Cuckfield, West Sussex, RH17 5GP Teaching to engage the heart, Reaching Boys and the Hostile - led by Rory Bell. The cost of £8 per adult includes drinks and pastries. Click here for more info and to make your booking(s)

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Sorted by the Sea – 14s to 18s

Category: Blog, Events, Youth Work

The next Sorted by the Sea event for 14s to 18s in Hove is on Friday 27 January 2017.   The theme this time is Our Father - Discovering the privilege of prayer. Just £1 per young person, to cover costs. Venue: Bishop Hannington Church. Nevill Avenue, Hove, BN3 7NH For further info please

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VACANCY: Director of Ministry, All Saints’ Crowborough

Category: Blog

All Saints' Church Crowborough is praying for a Director of Ministry who will be: * gifted with administrative skills and able to take responsibility for the overall leadership of the operational side of the church * good with people and able to recruit a volunteer base so that every member…

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Job Vacancy: Full Time Senior Staff Worker, All Souls, Eastbourne

Category: Blog

All Souls, Eastbourne, is seeking a senior staff worker to disciple, equip and train their church family for ministry and mission.  As well as joining the Sunday preaching team, the worker will head-up some significant areas of church life. To find out more, click here.

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SEMS 2016/2017 – now open for booking!

Category: Blog, Events

Book for all five before the first seminar on 5th September and the total cost is just £20! This academic year we are looking at: Engaging Secularism with Dr Joe Boot After the Revolution?  The collapse and revival of the Christian moral vision, with Glynn Harrison The Bible's Buried…

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Partnership Meeting – May 2016 – audio files available

Category: Blog, Partnership Meetings, Partnership Meetings, Resources

The audio files from our May 2016 Partnership Meeting on the theme of Developing Leaders, with guest speaker Richard Coekin, are now available here.

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2016 Annual Conference – now open for booking!

Category: Blog, Events

It's a day for EVERYONE of ALL AGES! We are now taking bookings for our 2016 Annual Conference on Saturday 8 October, at The King's Centre, 33 to 35 Victoria Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 9LR.   Our theme this year is God's New Community - renewing our vision for the local church. Graham…

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Come and See – audios available from 18 June 2016

Category: Blog, Sussex Youthworks

The audio files from our 'Come and See' training morning on 18 June 2016 with Rory Bell, for all those involved with children's and youth work, are now available here under our Resources section.

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SEMS audios – Preaching 2 Peter with Rupert Bentley-Taylor

Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Preaching, Resources, Sussex Evangelical Ministry Seminars (SEMS)

The audio files from SEMS on 6 June 2016, when Rupert Bentley-Taylor spoke on 'Preaching 2 Peter' are now available by clicking here.

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Sorted by the Sea for 14-18 year olds

Category: Blog, Events, Youth Work

We love youth leaders to bring their of 14-18 year olds to join us for Sorted by the Sea - evenings of great fun centred on teaching the Bible in an engagaing and relevant way. Just £1 per person. The next Sorted by the Sea event in Hove is on Friday 27 January 2017. The theme this time is…

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Mental Health – Tim Lane

Category: Blog

Tim Lane joined us for our evening seminar on 27 April 2016 about Mental Health - Understanding Complexity and Ministering Wisely.  Over 150 people joined us for this really helpful evening.  You can listen to the audio or watch the video by going to our Resources page here.

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VACANCY: Full Time Youth Minister at Bishop Hannington Church, Hove

Category: Blog

Bishop Hannington Church is a conservative evangelical Anglican Church in Hove. They are seeking to appoint a full time Youth Minister to continue to grow and develop the youth ministry within their Church. The successful candidate will be: A committed classical evangelical Christian wanting…

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SMTC special – Understanding and Teaching the Book of Acts – David Cook

Category: Bible-handling, Blog

David Cook joined us for our Sussex Ministry Training Course 'special day' on 3 May 2016 to speak on 'Understanding and Teaching the Book of Acts'.  We were pleased to have 25 guests join our regular students for this really helpful day. You can listen to the 4 sessions by clicking here.

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Women’s Day: Great is He

Category: Blog, Events

"Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world."  1 John 4:4 Date:  Saturday 18 June 2016 Speaker:  Lorna Ashworth Time:   9.45am to 3.30pm Venue:  All Saints' Church, Crowborough Speaker:  Lorna Ashworth Click here to see the flyer and booking form. NOTE: …

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VACANCY: Associate, All Saints’ Crowborough, Sept 2016

Category: Blog

ASSOCIATE required from Sept 2016 All Saints Church, Crowborough is an evangelical parish church with great opportunities for mission and ministry The role is for 1 or 2 years and will include:  Opportunities in Gospel Ministry Training with Sussex Gospel Partnership Hands on…

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Job Vacancy: Associate Minister for Music in Hove

Category: Blog

Bishop Hannington Church is an evangelical Anglican Church in Hove and they are seeking to appoint a full time Associate Minister for Music to grow and develop the music ministry and spiritual life of musicians within the church. For more details please click here.  

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Revive 2016 – open for booking!

Category: Blog, Children's Ministry, Youth Work

Working in youth and children’s work full or part time?  Could you do with a day away to revive your batteries? Come along to Revive 2016 on 19th May 2016 from 9:30am to 4pm. Here’s what you can look forward to:   Staying in a beautiful home just outside Henfield with a delightful…

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2016 Partnership Meeting Dates

Category: Blog, Partnership Meetings

Here are the planned dates for our forthcoming Partnership Meetings, which are normally from 10am to 1pm, with lunch following: Wednesday 18 May 2016 at Lindfield URC, High Street, Lindfield, RH16 2HL (includes our AGM) Wednesday 14 September 2016 at Bishop Hannington Church, Nevill Avenue,…

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Graham Daniels – Frontline Evangelism – evening event in Hove

Category: Evangelism and Mission, Events, Talks, Talks, Training Events

Graham Daniels from Christians in Sport joined us for our Sussex Ministry Trianing Course 'special day' on 23 February 2016 to look at the matter of 'Frontline Evangelism' from another perspective and consider the huge potential.  You can listen to those talks here. Graham then gave a talk on…

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18 June 2016 – Come and See training morning for children and youth leaders

Category: Blog, Children's Ministry, Events, Youth Work

Saturday 18 June 2016, 9:30am to 1pm at Christ Church, New England Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 3LE Pointing to Jesus in the Old Testament & Spiritual Development for Children and Young People - led by Rory Bell. There will also be a choice of four seminar options: Children -

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Audio files from SMTC ‘Special Day’ with Graham Daniels – Frontline Evangelism

Category: Blog, Events, Training Courses, Training Events

Graham Daniels from Christians in Sport joined us for our Sussex Ministry Trianing Course 'special day' on 23 February 2016 to look at the matter of 'Frontline Evangelism' from another perspective and consider the huge potential.  We were pleased to have over 20 guests join our regular students for

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Sussex Ministry Training Course – dates set for 2016/2017

Category: Blog, Training Courses

The dates have now been set for the Sussex Ministry Training Course in 2016/2017 (see below) Tuesdays, 10:30am to 4:15pm in Haywards Heath - 33 weeks a year Application forms are available from Wendy in the office Please be thinking about who you can encourage to…

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Book the Date! 2016 Annual Conference

Category: Blog, Events

Our Annual Conference this year will be on Saturday 8 October 2016 from 10am to 4pm at The King's Centre, 33-35 Victoria Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 9LR Our main speaker will be Graham Beynon. Graham is minister of Grace Church Cambridge, and Director of Free Church Training at…

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Revive – 19 May 2016 – SAVE THE DATE!

Category: Blog, Children's Ministry, Events, Youth Work

Thursday 19 May 2016 Revive is an annual day out organised by our Sussex Youthworks Task Group for those working in a full or part-time capacity with youth or young children. So the book the date now so that you can come along to recharge your batteries, have your eyes fixed on Christ and have…

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Biblical Counselling events with Dr Tim Lane

Category: Blog, Events

Wednesday 27 April 2016 TWO EVENTS designed to help us better care for one another spiritually and practically in a gospel-shaped manner, focusing on two of the most important areas facing the life of a church. (1)  AFTERNOON SESSION - FOR CHURCH LEADERS AND THOSE ENGAGED IN MARRAIGE…

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Turn the Page

Category: Blog, Partnership Meetings, Partnership Meetings

Following Simon Allaby's promotion of Turn the  Page at the SGP Partnership Meeting on 3 February, here's a link to the latest story on the free app.

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Partnership Meeting with Kevin DeYoung – 3 Feb 2016

Category: Blog, Partnership Meetings, Partnership Meetings

Kevin DeYoung joined us at our Partnership Meeting on 3 February 2016 to talk about 'The Hole in our Holiness' You can listen to the two sessions by clicking on this link.

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23 Feb 2016 – Training Day on Frontline Evangelism

Category: Evangelism and Mission, Events, Training Courses, Training Events

Sussex Ministry Training Course 'Special Day' with Graham Daniels on Frontline Evangelism I suspect most of us find evangelism hard. How often have we seen our best intentions miss the mark as we fluff our lines or find ourselves paralysed by fear? If only we could just find it all a bit……

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SAVE THE DATE! Tuesday 23 February 2016 – training course ‘special’

Category: Blog, Training Courses, Training Events

We are looking forward to welcoming Graham Daniels from Christians in Sport to the Sussex Ministry Training Course for the day on Tuesday 23 February 2016, when he will be delivery some evangelism training. As usual, we will open up this 'special day' to others who would like to come and join…

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Children’s Workers’ Training Event – 28 Nov 2015

Category: Blog, Children's Ministry, Events

Dear SGP Partnership In the spirit of partnership and sharing opportunities (as we heard about at today’s Partnership Meeting), we’d like to advertise some excellent children’s workers’ training on Sat 28 Nov (10am to 4pm) at the Ascension Church, West Dene, in association with Christ…

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Facebook Page for Training Courses

Category: Blog, Training Courses

We now have another Facebook page which is dedicated to our Training Courses and will be updated with photos, comments about what goes on, links to blog articles which might be useful etc. Please 'like' it now by clicking on this link:

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Training Day – 21st Century Disciple Making – 15 July 2015

Category: Blog, Events, Uncategorized

We had a great day with about 80 people from various churches. Glen Scrivener (Evangelist and Director of Revival) was our main speaker, followed by a choice of two morning streams and four afternoon seminars. Three of the sessions were recorded which you can listen to by clicking here. Session

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2015 Annual Conference – now open for booking!

Category: Events

Confidence in our Sovereign God will be our conference theme for 2015. Our God is the Sovereign Lord who rules history, whose word is trustworthy, whose gospel purposes will prevail, and who is with his church for her continual comfort, strengthening and up-building.So we can be confident in…

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SMTC ‘special’ with Rupert Bentley-Taylor

Category: Blog, Partnership Meetings, Partnership Meetings, Resources

Rupert Bentley-Taylor joined us at the Sussex Ministry Training Course on 2 June 2015 when he expounded the books of Jonah and Nahum.  We were very pleased to welcome over 30 extra guests who booked to join us and hear Rupert for this 'special' training course day. You can listen to the talks by

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Church Leaders’ Training Day – 21st Century Disciple-Making

Category: Blog, Events

Wednesday 15 July 2015, 10am to 3:30pm at Lindfield URC A day especially for ministers, evangelists, church wardens, PCC members, elders, deacons and leaders-in-training. Our main speaker will be Glen Scrivener, Evangelist and Director of Revival, an organisation that exists to revive…

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SMTC ‘special day’ with Rupert Bentley-Taylor

Category: Training Courses

Sussex Ministry Training Course 'Special Day' with Rupert Bentley-Taylor expounding Jonah and Nahum Tuesday 2 June 2015, from 10.30 to 4.15pm. Registration and refreshments from 10am. We meet at Christ Church, New England Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 3LE Tea and Coffee will be…

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‘Come and See’ – now open for booking!

Category: Children's Ministry, Youth Work

The next 'Come and See' event for all children's and youth leaders/helpers, on Saturday 18th April, is NOW OPEN FOR BOOKING. New!  There are seminar options and delegates will have the opportunity to chat over specific issues or questions with a member of the Sussex Youthworks team. Click…

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Category: Blog, Events

MUSICANS' MEAL AND MASTERCLASS LEADING A CONGREGATION IN SONG Friday 13 March 6:45 for 7pm at St Pancras Church, 101 St Pancras, Chichester, PO19 7LJ This promises to be a great night for all church musicians! With special guest, Peter Turnbull, Music Co-ordinator at Christ Church Fulwood,…

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Come and join the Sussex Ministry Training Course for a day

Category: Blog, Evangelism and Mission, Events, Training Courses, Uncategorized

Dear Friends, On Tuesday, 10th February 2015, Richard and Catherine Weston are returning to the Sussex Ministry Training Course to lead one of our ‘special days’ focussing on Mission to the Nations.  Richard is Senior Advisor and former National Director of Friends International.  Richard…

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Sussex Youthworks 2015 events

Category: Blog, Children's Ministry, Events, Youth Work

Our Sussex Youthworks team has events planned from January to October this year - for youth, and for children's and youth workers.  Click on the image below to see the flyer and get the dates in your diaries :) More details, and booking facilities for Revive and Come & See, will be…

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SEMS audio files available

Category: Blog

The following audio files are now available via the Resources section of the webiste: Sussex Evangelical Ministry Seminars (SEMS) -          Science and Christianity, with Steve Jeffery - click here -          Understanding and Preaching Hebrews, with Lee Gatiss - click…

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Annual Conference audio files available

Category: Blog

The following audio files are now available  via the Resources section 2014 Annual Conference- click here 2 main sessions with William Taylor o   Walk as children of light (Eph 5:1-14) o   Walk in wisdom (Eph 5:15-33) 10 seminars led by various people from within SGP o  …

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Sorted by the Sea dates for 2015

Category: Blog, Youth Work

We love youth leaders to bring their of 14-18 year olds to join us for Sorted by the Sea - evenings of great fun centred on teaching the Bible in an engagaing and relevant way. Just £1 per person. Click on the images below to enlarge, and please get the dates in your diaries!

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SORTED BY THE SEA – for 14s to 18s

Category: Blog, Events, Youth Work

This time we are back at Bishop Hannington Church in Hove. Bring- bring your friends! 7.30 - 9.15pm, £1 per person For more info contact Rich Arnold on 01273 230 899

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Music Ministry for Kids

Category: Blog, Children's Ministry, Events, Training Events

Have you ever wondered how you could do a better job of leading children in song?  Have you ever wished you had a better repertoire of quality, biblical songs for under 11s?   Come and join us for our Musicians' Meal and Masterclass!   A great evening for musicians and those leading children's…

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Sussex Evangelical Ministry Seminars (SEMS)

Category: Blog, Events, Preaching, Sussex Evangelical Ministry Seminars (SEMS), Talks

SEMS are aimed at resourcing church leaders and others who want to see local churches strengthened and encouraged through the preaching and teaching of God's Word.  Each year a range of speakers are invited to address a variety of subjects.  In each programme of meetings we endeavour to…

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2014/2015 Partnership Meeting Dates

Category: Blog, Partnership Meetings

Here are the dates for the 2014/2015 Partnership Meetings, for Partners, which are normally from 10am to 1pm, with lunch following: Wednesday 22 October 2014 at Lindfield URC, High Streeet, Lindfield, RH16 2HL Wednesday 21 January 2015 at Bishop Hannington Church, Hove, BN3 7NH Wednesday 10

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Year out for God

Category: Blog, Events, Training Events, Uncategorized

A morning to explore your future, for anyone starting, or thinking about a year as a Ministry Trainee.  The morning will include Bible teaching, Prayer and Praise, Seminars. Saturday 27 September 2014, from 10am to 2pm at Christ Church, New England Road, Haywards Heath, RH16 3LE £8.00…

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Book in a day with David Jackman – Isaiah

Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Events, Preaching, Talks, Training Courses, Training Events

It was great to have 50 people join our 30 students on the Sussex Ministry Training Course as guests for the 'Book in a Day' with David Jackman! Recordings of the sessions are now available under Resources, by clicking here.

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SGP Summer School

Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Events, Preaching, Talks, Training Events

For evenings exploring MATTHEW'S GOSPEL with Nick McQuaker, SGP's Director of Training and Development. 14-17 July 2014 at All Saints' Church, Lindfield, RH16 2HS. Click here to find out more.  It's FREE!

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Book in a Day with David Jackman

Category: Blog

PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH ANYONE YOU KNOW WHO MAY BE INTERESTED BOOKINGS CLOSE ON FRIDAY  30 MAY AT 5PM!  Next Tuesday, 3rd June, David Jackman will be our guest lecturer on the Sussex Ministry Training Course giving four lectures on the book of Isaiah as we do ‘a book in a day’. David is…

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2014 Partnership Meeting dates

Category: Blog, Partnership Meetings

Here are the planned dates for our forthcoming Partnership Meetings, which are normally from 10am to 1pm, with lunch following: Wednesday 21 May 2014 at Bishop Hannington Church, Hove, BN3 7NH Wednesday 22 October 2014 at Lindfield URC, High Street, Lindfield, RH16 2HL Wednesday 21 January 2015

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A Passion for Life

Category: Blog, Evangelism and Mission, Events, Youth Work

There is now a website available where you can enter your postcode and find out about all the events that are happening in your area. It's a great resource and the Mid Sussex area is looking very healthy! Click here to enter your post code and see what's going on near you. If you are an SGP…

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Annual Conference 2014 – SAVE THE DATE!

Category: Blog, Events

The SGP's Annual Conference will be on Saturday 8th November at Bishop Hannington Church, Hove. SAVE THE DATE! More details to follow soon...

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Cornhill Teaching Day

Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Preaching, Training Events

Are you involved in Bible teaching in your church? Maybe you are an occasional preacher, the leader of a Bible study group or children's class? If you want to teach the Bible faithfully, then this day is for you. 10am to 4pm at Christ Church, New England Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16…

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Musicians’ Meal and Masterclass

Category: Blog, Events

Book now for our 'Musicians' Meal and Masterclass' on Friday 4 October in Eastbourne. It promises to be a great evening for all church musicians and the cost of £5 includes a great curry! Click here to see more info and book for this event

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Partner Organisations

We work with partners to help strengthen and expand gospel ministry.