Would you support us please?

  • Donate to SGP

    Your donation would help to train around 40 Church ministry trainees and lay workers per year from Sussex Churches on our 2 year Sussex Ministry Training Courses. In short, men and women trained to be more effective servants of Jesus in their local Churches and communities.

  • Donate to SGP

    Your donation would help us to make Ministry Training bursaries to enable smaller Sussex Churches who would not otherwise be able to support a Ministry Traninee to benefit from one. This has the added advantage of being able to train a younger person in a context that is more typical of real gospel ministry in Sussex than they may have experienced previously."

  • Donate to SGP

    Your donation would help us to put on training for Youth workers and events that bring young people together from around Sussex. This is particularly important to smaller Churches where young people may have limited opportunity to enjoy fellowship with Christian peers.

How to donate

There are 2 ways you can support the SGP. Please click on the options below to find out more

Become a regular supporter

If you want to help the SGP to strengthen and expand gospel ministry throughout Sussex and beyond, please consider signing up as a Supporter. This involves pledging to support the work of the Partnership in prayer, and financially for those who are able, on an on-going basis. You will receive regular updates of news for prayer and information. If you would be interested in becoming a supporter, or finding out more please contact Wendy

Make a one-off donation

You can make a donation online using your credit or debit card via the SGP page at Give.net. If you are a UK Taxpayer please take the option at the end of the process to confirm that Gift Aid can be added to your donation. And thank you for considering supporting the SGP in this way.

Partner Organisations

We work with partners to help strengthen and expand gospel ministry.