
Come and See – 18 March 2017 – Sussex Youthworks training morning

Category: Blog Children's Ministry Events Resources Youth Work

Bible-centred training for anyone involved in teaching or leading children or teenagers We were very pleased to have Rory Bell join us again as our main speaker on Saturday 18 March 2017 at our 'Come and See' training morning for all those involved in leading and helping with children's and youth

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SEMS – Preaching Matthew

Category: Bible-handling Blog Resources Sussex Evangelical Ministry Seminars (SEMS)

Nick McQuaker, the SGP's Director of Training and Development, spoke at our Sussex Evangelical Ministry Seminar (SEMS) on 20 March 2017, when he spoke on Preaching Matthew. You can listen to the two sessions by clicking on the links below.

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Partnership Meeting – 1 February 2017

Category: Blog Partnership Meetings Partnership Meetings Resources

We were very pleased to welcome Mark Redhouse, Vicar of All Souls' Church, Eastbourne (SGP Partnership Church) to speak at our Partnership Meeting about Prayer. You can listen to the two sessions with Mark, and an interview with James Clarke, by clicking on the links below.

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Partner Organisations

We work with partners to help strengthen and expand gospel ministry.