NEW! SGP Leaders’ Training Mornings
Category: Bible-handling, Blog, Events, PreachingIn November, we are launching our new SGP Leaders’ Training Mornings. These are aimed at resourcing church leaders who are involved in the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. We invite speakers with particular expertise and experience to address topics we believe are of immediate contemporary interest to those ministering in the different contexts that make up 21st Century Sussex. The Training Mornings also offer the opportunity to meet and engage with other church leaders in the Sussex area who may be facing similar challenges and opportunities to you.
The first training morning will be held on Wednesday 29th November 2017 from 10am to 1pm when Melvin Tinker will be looking at the importance of developing a strong apologetic element in our preaching and teaching. We believe that this is a critical area in which our Churches need their preachers and teachers to be growing in competence so that we can both make an effective gospel appeal to contemporary non believers who attend our Church meetings and also equip believers to live with confidence in a culture that is becoming increasingly hostile to aspects of Gospel teaching. Melvin is an experienced preacher and writer on apologetic issues and as well as helping us see the theological case for apologetics in preaching he will also provide examples of how we can incorporate apologetics into our preaching in practice.
The cost of the morning will be ÂŁ10 which will include a sandwich lunch at 1pm and places can be booked via our Events Page.