
2021 Annual Conference – audio files

Category: Blog Conferences Evangelism and Mission Events Resources

Our Annual Conference this month was such a great day, for all ages!  It was wonderful to see so many gathered.Mark Greene from the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (LICC) led the adult plenary sessions with such relevant and engaging teaching, equipping us to see the Lord's interest…

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Come and See – connecting with every child, including those with special educational needs

Category: Blog Children's Ministry Resources Training Events Youth Work

We enjoyed a great morning with Rory Bell from TnT Ministries over Zoom, in March this year, thinking through the why and how of reaching every single child in our churches, including those with special educational needs. You can now watch the recordings and download the handouts by clicking on the

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Partnership Training Day – Tuesday 25 May 2021

Category: Bible-handling Blog Partnership Training Days Training Courses

We enjoyed a great day looking at the books of 2 Peter and Jude with Angus MacLeay who is Rector of St Nicholas Church in Sevenoaks.You can listen to the four sessions (1 hour each) by clicking on the audio links below.Links to the handouts are also given below.You may also find Angus' book on…

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Partnership Training Day – 9 March 2021

Category: Evangelism and Mission Events Partnership Training Days Training Courses

Our theme for the day was ‘Evangelism’ and we were delighted to welcome the hugely experienced Rico Tice as our guest speaker, on Zoom.Rico is the Senior Minister for Evangelism at All Souls Church, Langham Place in London. He is a passionate evangelist, and the founder of Christianity Explored…

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Spring Partnership Meeting – February 2021

Category: Bible-handling Blog Partnership Meetings Partnership Meetings Preaching Resources

Our theme for the morning was ‘A Preaching Reset’.The call to the Pastor-Teacher is to preach the Word.  Yet maintaining our passion for preaching and the priority of preaching can be hard at the best of times.  Let alone under lockdown, when many of us are preaching to camera, disconnected…

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Partner Organisations

We work with partners to help strengthen and expand gospel ministry.