
NEW! 3-minute video promoting our Bible Training Courses

Ever thought about joining us for one of our Bible Training Courses?   Through lectures, group work, class discussions and teaching workshops, students of all ages on the courses grow in Biblical understanding, confidence and Christianity maturity.  Click here to see our new 3 minute video and…

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Book in a Day: JOSHUA

Our Director of Training and Development, Nick McQuaker, led our Sussex Ministry Training Course 'special day' last week, when we looked at the book of Joshua in a day. You can listen to the four sessions, and download the handouts, by going to our Resources section, here.

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Older People and the Church

We were really pleased to welcome Roger Hitchings to our most recent Parnterhsip Meeting, to speak on Demographic Changes, and Older People and the Church. You can listen to the two sessions Roger led, and view his slides, by going to our Resources Section, here.

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SGP Wives

Click on the image below to enlarge

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Come and join us for a half day conference to meet and learn from others involved in Church revitalisation and planting in Sussex. Wednesday 20 June 2018, in Lindfield. Click here for more info

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Partner Organisations

We work with partners to help strengthen and expand gospel ministry.