
14 JUNE – change to planned Sorted-by-the-Sea event!

A great event for 14 - 18s! There's been a change in the theme for our next event on 14 June - click on the image below to see a larger version of the revised flyer. Bring your youth groups - no booking required, and just £1 per teenager to cover costs! We shall be looking at Hebrews 10,…

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Are you involved with children's and youth work on a regular basis? If so, come and be revived! We are really looking forward to Ed Drew from Faith in Kids coming to lead our day together this year. Ed's going to encourage us and show us how we can better partner with parents to benefit…

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Purely Preschoolers! OPEN FOR BOOKING!

Saturday 22 June 2019, from 9:30am to 1pm, in Haywards Heath A great morning for all those involved in caring for and teaching preschoolers in church-based groups. Our guest speaker is Tamar Pollard, from Grace Church, Bedford, who has much experience of working with children of all ages - initially

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BOOK IN A DAY: Revelation

Come and join the Sussex Ministry Training Course for a day that is OPEN TO ALL! We are really looking forward to Philip Wells coming to teach the book of Revelation on Tuesday 4 June.  It needn't be the book of the Bible you avoid because it seems weird and hard to understand.  Revelation…

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Partner Organisations

We work with partners to help strengthen and expand gospel ministry.