
Annual Conference 2018

SAVE THE DATE! Our 2018 Annual Conference is planned for Saturday 10 November - do get the date in your diaries now and encourage your churches, friends and family to join us.  Our main speaker this year will be author, speaker, trainer and counsellor, Dr Tim Lane.  Tim is the Founder and…

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Are you involved in full or part-time children's and youth ministry?   If you are, we'd love you to come and join us for the day! Take some time out to have your batteries revived; your eyes fixed on Christ, and meet with other children's and youth leaders. Thursday 7 June, from 10am to 3pm,

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Come and See – Purely Preschoolers!

We are now taking bookings for our second 'Purely Pre-schoolers' morning!  It's a great morning for all those involved in caring for and teaching pre-schoolers in church based groups. Saturday 23 June 2018, from 9:30am to midday, at Christ Church, Haywards Heath. For full details, and to…

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BIBLE TRAINING COURSES – now taking applications for September 2018

We are now taking applications for our Bible Training Courses, starting again in September 2018. Click here for full details, including downloading the course brochures and requesting an application form.

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Book in a day: THE BOOK OF JOSHUA

An open invitation to everyone to join the Sussex Ministry Training Course (SMTC) for a day on Tuesday 5 June 2018, when Nick McQuaker, the SGP's Director off Training and Development will be teaching the book of Joshua. Coming to us from a distant time and far off place, Joshua is nonetheless a…

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Partner Organisations

We work with partners to help strengthen and expand gospel ministry.