SGP Short Courses

For some years now, the Sussex Gospel Partnership has run 1 to 2 year Bible and Ministry Training Courses which have been very well received. However, for many people these courses are out of reach because of the time commitment involved. To make our training more accessible we also offer short courses to Churches and groups of Churches.



“Nick’s teaching on sex, marriage and gender was timely and directly relevant to the confusion we see not only in the world but also in the church today. We were grateful for his clarity, his faithfulness to scripture and the depth of his teaching, whilst his sensitive and pastoral handling of many current topics was much appreciated. The course left us better equipped to live faithfully to Christ as friends, spouses and parents; in the home, the church and the workplace.”

Martin Lane, Vicar, Emmanuel Hastings.

Course Options

Short courses are ideal for the whole church or for particular leaders eg homegroup or youth ministry leaders. The programme is flexible for example it could be 4 one hour sessions over mid-week evenings, 2 sessions per evening for 2 weeks or 2-4 Saturday morning. The courses are free of charge to SGP member churches and £30 per session for non SGP churches. We ask hosting churches to cover the travel expenses of the course leader and additional donations to the SGP are welcome.

Please browse below to find out more details of the short courses we offer. To enquire about organising a course in your Church please contact Wendy


A foundational course for those who want to get to grips with the Bible plot line from Genesis to Revelation. A great aid to Bible understanding and confidence.

The content covers

  1. Kingdom beginnings (Creation and Fall)
  2. Kingdom promises (Abraham)
  3. Kingdom rise (Israel’s story - part 1)
  4. Kingdom fall (Israel’s story - part 2)
  5. Kingdom promises, again (the Prophets)
  6. Kingdom come (Jesus: the king and the cross)
  7. Kingdom building (Jesus: the gospel and the nations)
  8. Kingdom coming (Jesus: the coming King)


An introduction to understanding the Bible especially helpful for those involved in Bible-teaching of any kind (preaching, children’s and youth work, small groups or one-to-one) as well as those who would like to be.

The content covers

  1. A book of many parts – read with care!
  2. Everything in its place – context, context, context!
  3. It’s all about Jesus – don’t lose the plot!
  4. So what? don’t miss the point!


Digging deeper into the Bible’s teaching about the God who made us to know him; for anyone who wants to know God better.

The content covers

  1. How can we know God?
  2. What is God like?
  3. One in three: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  4. God’s rule in God’s world


Digging deeper into the Bible’s teaching about the Christ who came to save us; for anyone who wants to know their King and Saviour better.

The content covers

  1. Was Jesus truly one of us?
  2. Is he truly God?
  3. What did the cross achieve?
  4. Did God really punish his Son?
  5. Why does the resurrection change everything?


Digging deeper into the Bible’s teaching about the Holy Spirit who unites us to Christ; for anyone who wants a greater understanding of the Spirit and His work.

The content covers

  1. What do we know about Holy Spirit?
  2. How is the Spirit at work in the world?
  3. How is the Spirit at work in us?
  4. How is the Spirit at work in the church?

REAL CHURCH (4 hours)

There are lots of churches. We go to church, give to the church, maybe serve in the church. But what is the church and what is it for? A short course to help Christians understand the place of the church in the plan and purpose of God.

The content covers

  1. Church: what’s the church for?
  2. Church: what’s the point of meeting?
  3. Church: who should do what?
  4. Church: what’s the mission?


Digging deeper into the Bible’s teaching about millennialism, the last day, the final judgement, heaven and hell and all that; for anyone who wants to live today with eternity in view.

The content covers

  1. Your kingdom come – when and how will this prayer be answered.
  2. Like a thief in the night – the how and why of the return of Christ.
  3. When the books are opened – the final judgment.
  4. Two destinies – is hell real? Is heaven worth it?


Three sessions attempting to shine biblical truth and grace into the confusion and brokenness of a society that both worships and abuses sex. Aimed at everyone, but especially helpful for youth leaders, parents, young people and those engaged in pastoral care and discipling.

  1. Sex in the Bible and in the world.
  2. Why marriage?
  3. Same-sex relations: compassion and clarity.


Three sessions attempting to get to grips with what the Bible teaches us about gender identity and gender roles. For Christians who want to hear what the Bible says amidst the many voices and the fierce debates.

The content covers

  1. Feminism – friend or foe?
  2. God’s blueprint for marriage.
  3. Should equality come to church?


Christians are called to live in the world, engage with the world and yet not conform to the world. These sessions are aimed at equipping Christians to do this in everyday life by helping them to see their world more clearly.

The content covers

  1. The air we breathe - what is culture and how does it influence us?
  2. Unreasonable faith - rationalism.
  3. This is my truth; tell me yours – relativism.
  4. In a foreign land - living for Christ in a Christ-rejecting world.

IF JESUS IS LORD... (4-8 hours)

Christians are called to live in the world, engage with the world and yet not conform to the world. These sessions are aimed at equipping Christians to do this in everyday life by helping them to see their world more clearly.

The content covers

  1. Living to please God.
  2. Marriage.
  3. Parenting.
  4. Sanctity of life.
  5. Work.
  6. Justice.
  7. Contentment/Money.
  8. Godliness/Love.

WHY BELIEVE (4 hours)

Four sessions on the foundations for Christian faith that would encourage Christians struggling with doubt; strengthen Christians who want to be more confident in speaking for Christ in the world; and help non-Christians investigating the Christian faith.

The content covers

  1. Faith – not without reason.
  2. The Bible – a firm foundation.
  3. Christ – the rock on which we stand.
  4. The Holy Spirit – the magnetic life.

TRUTH TO TELL (4 hours)

A basic training course in evangelism for Christians who long to see friends, family, neighbours and workmates come to know Jesus.

The content covers

  1. Who does what? - God’s work and ours.
  2. Telling your story.
  3. Telling The Story.
  4. What if they ask...what do I say?


A basic training course in evangelism for Christians who long to see friends, family, neighbours and workmates come to know Jesus.

The content covers

  1. The Spirit of the Age.
    • Brief Introduction to Apologetics
    • Understanding the Spirit of the Age
    • Jesus: Having the mind of Christ
  2. The Crux: Is there a God?
    • Atheist claims and God’s Fingerprints
    • How the trinity makes sense of life
    • Jesus: the best explanation and greatest evidence
  3. The Foundation: the Bible
    • Can we trust the Bible?
    • Objections answered
    • Jesus: the centre and foundation
  4. The Apologetics Toolkit.
    • Different Approaches
    • How to spot a bad argument
    • Answers that lead to Jesus


A training course aimed at helping a church or a church leadership team begin to get motivated about church planting by helping them to see the gospel imperative and gospel motivation for planting churches.

The content covers

  1. The Gospel produces the church.
  2. The Gospel builds the church.
  3. The Church proclaims the Gospel.
  4. The Gospel replicates the Church.

Course Leaders

The courses are led mostly by Nick McQuaker and Jon Hobbs


Jon is the SGP's Trainer, teaching on the training courses and speaking at training events. Alongside his role with the SGP, he now leads Grace Church in Haywards Heath following eight years in parish church ministry, first in Lindfield, and then in Maresfield and Nutley. Prior to taking up local church ministry, Jon had spent five years as a Regional Staffworker with the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF) before training at Oak Hill Theological College in London.

Partner Organisations

We work with partners to help strengthen and expand gospel ministry.