
Partnership Meeting – October 2019

Category: Partnership Meetings Partnership Meetings Resources

The theme of our Autumn 2019 Partnership Meeting was 'Praying Pastor and Praying Church', and James Clarke led our first session.Following this, we spent our second session hearing of prayer needs from each of our Cluster Groups, before praying together. You can listen to James by clicking on the…

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Revelation – Training Course ‘special day’ – Tuesday 4 June 2019

Category: Bible-handling Events Resources Training Courses

For our Sussex Ministry Training Course 'Special Day' this term we were pleased to welcome Phil Wells, Pastor of Calvary Church in Brighton, to give an overview of the Book of Revelation.  You can watch each of the four 1-hour sessions below. These training course 'Special Days' are open to all,…

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Partnership Meeting – June 2019

Category: Partnership Meetings

The theme of our Summer 2019 Partnership Meeting was 'Staying Faithful'. Andrew Cornes gave us a challenging exposition on the theme from 1 Timothy. In an extended interview with Jon Hobbs, James Russell spoke candidly about a difficult time in his life and ministry and the lessons he learnt from…

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Ministry Training Morning: 1 to 1 Discipleship

Category: Bible-handling Blog Ministry Training Mornings Resources Talks

We were really pleased to welcome a good number of people to our Ministry Training Morning on 10 July. Our morning was led by Jon Hobbs, Minister of Grace Church Haywards Heath & SGP Associate Trainer, and Mark Ventham, Elder of Christ Church Haywards Heath. You can listen to both…

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Talking about Jesus in a Jesus rejecting world – Training Day

Category: Blog Evangelism and Mission Resources Talks Training Events

We were very pleased to welcome Martin Povey to speak at our Sussex Ministry Training Course on 12 February 2019 when over 30 guests booked to join our regular students for this special training day. Martin covered four areas and you can listen to the sessions and download his handout by clicking

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Partner Organisations

We work with partners to help strengthen and expand gospel ministry.