
Summer Revive 2023

Category: Ministry Training Mornings Resources Sussex Youthworks Youth Work

For our 2023, Summer REVIVE day for children and youth-workers, SGP Director, Nick McQuaker gave two talks from the book of Zechariah.Talk 1 - Zechariah 4:1-14  A gold lampstand two olive treesTalk 2- Zechariah 1:18-21  Four horns and four fraftsmenQuestions were provided for personal…

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Isaiah and the gospels

Category: Bible-handling Partnership Training Days Talks

At our Summer 2023 Partnership Training Day, Dr Matt Searles (author, speaker and Biblical Studies Lead for Crosslands Training) led a day on Isaiah and the Gospels.Through his 4 sessions his aims were that people would go away more familiar with Isaiah as a book, be equipped to see the background…

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SGP Men’s Retreat – REFRESH 2023

Category: Partnership Meetings Preaching Resources

This year's Men's Retreat was once again hosted at the beautiful Ashburnham Place. 40 SGP Ministers enjoyed a good time of fellowship together. Rupert Bentley-Taylor spoke on TRANSFORMING GRACE - encouraging hearts with two expositions from Titus on the glorious gospel of God's grace.The 2 talks are

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Partnership Training Day – Tuesday 28 March 2023

Category: Bible-handling Blog Partnership Training Days Resources Talks Training Courses Training Events

We enjoyed a great day looking at the book 12 Things God Can't Do.. and how they can help you sleep at night with the Author Nick Tucker who is Vicar of Bishop Hannington Church in Hove.You can download the handout and  listen to the four sessions (1 hour each) by clicking on the audio links…

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Come and See March 2023

Category: Blog Children's Ministry Resources Sussex Youthworks Youth Work

We enjoyed a great morning with Adam Thrift, Mark Philpott and Rich Arnold on Bible teaching focused on Youth and Children's Ministry, and practical equipping for this important task.Session 1 Mark PhilpottSession 2 Rich ArnoldYou can now listen to the recordings by clicking on the links…

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Partner Organisations

We work with partners to help strengthen and expand gospel ministry.