
SEMS – 28 Sept 2015

Category: Blog Preaching Sussex Evangelical Ministry Seminars (SEMS)

The new SEMS programme got off to a great start with two helpful sessions on Systematic Theology from Mark Johnston. Two quotes from Mark’s helpful and even provocative teaching were “We are all theologians but are we good theologians or bad theologians?” “Were Proc Trust right to…

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Two Books in a Day – Jonah and Naham

Category: Resources Talks Training Events

Rupert Bentley-Taylor joined us at the Sussex Ministry Training Course on 2 June 2015 when he expounded the books of Jonah and Nahum.  We were very pleased to welcome over 30 extra guests who booked to join us and hear Rupert for this ‘special’ training course day.  You can listen to the talks

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Conference 2015 Promotional Powerpoints

Category: Conferences

A set of powerpoints for promoting this year's annual conference. The duration of the automatic powerpoint with accompanying music is 1 minute 10 seconds. It automatically advances after clicking on to the second slide.

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21st Century Disciple Making – 15 July 2015

Category: Training Events

We had a great day with about 80 people from various churches.  Glen Scrivener (Evangelist and Director of Revival) was our main speaker, followed by a choice of two morning streams and four afternoon seminars.  The programme was as follows and three of the sessions were recorded - you can listen…

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Partnership Meeting – June 2015

Category: Blog Partnership Meetings Partnership Meetings Resources

SGP Partner, Michael Wilcock, spoke at our meeting on 10 June 2015, about 'Staying Fresh through a long ministry' and gave us six lessons.   You can click on the link below to listen to Michael.

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Partner Organisations

We work with partners to help strengthen and expand gospel ministry.