Training Courses

On our training courses, Christians of all ages from different Churches across Sussex and beyond come together for Biblical instruction and training, and warm fellowship. Through lectures, group work, class discussions and teaching workshops, students on the course gain the following:

  • A firm understanding of the Bible & its teaching
  • Confidence and ability to share the Bible with others
  • A practical understanding of biblical ministry

The result is that they are equipped to be more effective in living for Christ and serving him in the church and the world.

The Courses

Go to Term Dates

The Sussex Ministry Training Course (SMTC) is run over three 11-week terms on a Tuesday, in Cuckfield, near Haywards Heath, starting in September every year. The course day runs from 10am to 4:15pm at Cuckfield Baptist Church.  Students who complete the first year have an option of continuing for a second year that builds on the foundation laid in year one.

Apply online to join the Sussex Ministry Training Course

The Saturday Morning Bible Training Course (SMBTC) is a cut-down version of year one of the Tuesday course aimed at those who are not free to undertake a week-day course. Students are required to attend once each month (excluding August) from 9:30am to 1:00pm and it takes two years to complete the course. To widen accessibility, the SMBTC is run in various locations across Sussex (East/Mid/West). The next course for 1st year enrolment is due to run from Crawley from September 2024 to Summer 2026; for 2nd year students the course continues from September 2024 to summer 2025 in Angmering.  Students who complete the Saturday course have the option of taking year two of the Tuesday course. The lectures on all our courses are recorded so that students who miss a session are able to catch up on-line.

Apply online to join the Saturday Morning Bible Training Course 

If you have any questions about either training course, please contact us

Course Content

Click to expand

Bible Overview

Travelling from Genesis to Revelation, we get a bird’s-eye view of the Bible. Students find it very exciting and informative to learn how it all fits together from Creation to New Creation. This provides a vital foundation for a full understanding of each of the individual parts of the Bible.

Principles of Exposition

This is a very practical part of the course in which we learn how to understand and teach different parts of the Bible (such as The Gospels, Old Testament historical books, New Testament Letters) and then practise what we have learned in the Teaching Workshops.

Teaching Workshops

These are an important part of the course as they provide an opportunity for students to try out the skills they have been learning in a safe and supportive small group context. The workshop groups offer a very helpful learning experience for everyone from the complete novice to the seasoned Bible teacher.

Bible Books

We study at least three books in depth as well as taking a briefer look at some other books. This not only grows our understanding of the books we study, but helps to illustrate the Principles of Exposition. In recent years we have covered Matthew, Exodus, Colossians and 1 Thessalonians. There is an opportunity to study further Bible books on year 2 of the SMTC, including an in-depth study of Romans.

Christian Doctrine

This is where we examine what the Bible teaches about a number of basic themes. We look at a range of topics including the nature of God, the person of Christ, his death and resurrection, the nature of the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit. Further Christian doctrine is covered on year 2 of the SMTC.

Additional Topics

Both courses aim to equip students to be confident in handling the word of God, whether in the context of giving a talk, leading a Bible study or reading the Bible with a friend one-to-one. In addition, the SMTC provides further practical training for a wide range of ministry contexts, covering topics such as explaining the gospel, handling questions people ask, working in a team, men’s ministry, women’s ministry, youth work and church planting. Students who go on to year 2 of the SMTC also have the opportunity to cover topics related to leadership, Christian ethics and apologetics.

Course Leaders

The courses are led by Jon Hobbs.


Jon is the SGP's Associate Trainer, teaching on the training courses and speaking at training events. Alongside his role with the SGP, he now leads Grace Church in Haywards Heath following eight years in parish church ministry, first in Lindfield, and then in Maresfield and Nutley. Prior to taking up local church ministry, Jon had spent five years as a Regional Staffworker with the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF) before training at Oak Hill Theological College in London. Many other experienced church leaders from the Sussex Gospel Partnership also speak regularly on the course. These include Will Cockram, Andrew Cornes, P-J Guy, Phil Moon, Graham Nicholls, Mark Redhouse, Mark Ventham and Philip Wells.

Taking Things Further

No particular academic qualifications are required to undertake the SMTC or the SMBTC. Course participants must, however, share our conviction that the Bible is the true and living Word of God, and have a commitment to Bible-centred ministry. Applicants will be expected to have the support of their church leader (who will be asked to supply a reference on their behalf) for their participation in the course. Course applicants may be interviewed before being offered a place. If you have any questions, please contact Vic Donougher, the Course Administrator via our contact us page.

Apply online to join the Sussex Ministry Training Course

Apply online to join the Saturday Morning Bible Training Course

Request a printed Application Form for either course

Tuesday Course Details and Brochure Download

We are now taking applications for the Sussex Ministry Training Course starting again in September 2024.  

The course runs on Tuesdays from 10am to 4:15pm, for 33 weeks in the year (over three terms) at Cuckfield Baptist Church, Each term includes a half-term break corresponding with the school half term.  Term dates are shown at the bottom of this page.

Fees are £735 for the year, payable in 3 termly instalments of £245. This covers all course material. (Participation in optional course outings may incur a small additional charge.)

Tuesday Course Brochure

Saturday Course Details and Brochure Download

We are now taking applications for the course running in Crawley from September 2024 to July 2026.

Students will meet monthly (except August) from 9:30am and 1:00pm at St Andrew’s Church, Weald Drive, Furnace Green, Crawley, RH10 6NU.

Fees for the 2-year Saturday Morning Bible Training Course are £85 per term (total cost £510 with 6 terms over 2 years).  This covers all course material.

Saturday Course Brochure

Term Dates

Sussex Ministry Training Course – 2023/2024

Autumn Term 2023 19 Sep, 26 Sep, 03 Oct, 10 Oct, 17 Oct, 31 Oct, 7 Nov, 14 Nov, 21 Nov, 28 Nov, 05 Dec
Spring Term 2024 09 Jan, 16 Jan, 23 Jan, 30 Jan, 06 Feb, 20 Feb, 27 Feb, 05 Mar, 12 Mar, 19 Mar, 26 Mar
Summer Term 2024

23 Apr, 30 Apr, 07 May, 14 May, 21 May, 04 Jun, 11 Jun, 18 Jun, 25 Jun, 02 Jul, 09 Jul

Sussex Ministry Training Course – 2024/2025

Autumn Term 2024 24 Sep, 01 Oct, 08 Oct, 15 Oct, 22 Oct, 05 Nov, 12 Nov, 19 Nov, 26 Nov, 03 Dec, 10 Dec
Spring Term 2025 14 Jan, 21 Jan, 28 Jan, 04 Feb, 11 Feb, 25 Feb, 04 Mar, 11 Mar, 18 Mar, 25 Mar, 1 Apr
Summer Term 2025

22 Apr, 29 Apr, 06 May, 13 May, 20 May, 03 Jun, 10 Jun, 17 Jun, 24 Jun, 01 Jul, 08 Jul

Saturday Morning Bible Training Course – Crawley 2024 to 2025 – Year 1

Autumn Term

28 Sept, 26 Oct, 23 Nov, 14 Dec
Spring Term
11 Jan, 8 Feb, 8 March, 26 April
Summer Term
24 May, 14 June, 12 July
Year 2 dates
to be confirmed asap

Saturday Morning Bible Training Course – Angmering 2023 to 2024 – Year 1

Autumn Term

16 Sept, 14 Oct, 11 Nov, 2 Dec
Spring Term
6 Jan, 3 Feb, 9 March, 20 April
Summer Term
11 May, 15 June, 13 July

Saturday Morning Bible Training Course – Angmering 2024 to 2025 – Year 2

Autumn Term

21 Sept, 19 Oct, 9 Nov, 7 Dec
Spring Term
18 Jan, 15 Feb, 15 March, 5 April
Summer Term
3 May, 7 June, 5 July

Saturday Morning Bible Training Course – Eastbourne – 2023 to 2024 – Year 2

Autumn Term
23 Sep, 21 Oct, 18 Nov, 09 Dec

Spring Term

Summer Term

13 Jan, 10 Feb, 23 Mar, 27 Apr

18 May, 22 Jun, 20 Jul


Partner Organisations

We work with partners to help strengthen and expand gospel ministry.