Church Leaders’ Training Day – 21st Century Disciple-Making
Category: Blog, EventsWednesday 15 July 2015, 10am to 3:30pm at Lindfield URC
A day especially for ministers, evangelists, church wardens, PCC members, elders, deacons and leaders-in-training.
Our main speaker will be Glen Scrivener, Evangelist and Director of Revival, an organisation that exists to revive Christians, resource the church and reach the world with the good news of Jesus.
Session 1
- Mission Central – the heart of God’s life and ours
Session 2
- Stream 1 – Structuring church life for evangelism, or
- Stream 2 – Making best use of evangelistic resources
The afternoon will have a choice of four seminar options:
- Making Disciples One by One
- Building a Christian Worldview
- Equipping for costly discipleship
- Evangelism and Pastoral Care
The cost of £10 per adult includes refreshments. Please bring your own packed lunch.
Click here to see the flyer and make your booking. You will be asked for your Stream and Seminar options when booking.