
Come and See – audios available from 18 June 2016

The audio files from our 'Come and See' training morning on 18 June 2016 with Rory Bell, for all those involved with children's and youth work, are now available here under our Resources section.

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SEMS audios – Preaching 2 Peter with Rupert Bentley-Taylor

The audio files from SEMS on 6 June 2016, when Rupert Bentley-Taylor spoke on 'Preaching 2 Peter' are now available by clicking here.

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Sorted by the Sea for 14-18 year olds

We love youth leaders to bring their of 14-18 year olds to join us for Sorted by the Sea - evenings of great fun centred on teaching the Bible in an engagaing and relevant way. Just £1 per person. The next Sorted by the Sea event in Hove is on Friday 27 January 2017. The theme this time is…

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Mental Health – Tim Lane

Tim Lane joined us for our evening seminar on 27 April 2016 about Mental Health - Understanding Complexity and Ministering Wisely.  Over 150 people joined us for this really helpful evening.  You can listen to the audio or watch the video by going to our Resources page here.

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VACANCY: Full Time Youth Minister at Bishop Hannington Church, Hove

Bishop Hannington Church is a conservative evangelical Anglican Church in Hove. They are seeking to appoint a full time Youth Minister to continue to grow and develop the youth ministry within their Church. The successful candidate will be: A committed classical evangelical Christian wanting…

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Partner Organisations

We work with partners to help strengthen and expand gospel ministry.