Steve’s Story


Encouraged by my Vicar and Curates, I began to explore a call to full-time gospel ministry. This meant quitting my job working with young offenders, to take up a role at All Saints in Lindfield as a Ministry Assistant. God very graciously provided the funding through generous members at the church. I got involved in many aspects of church ministry: preaching, youth work, leading services, helping with the running of a church plant, 1:1 Bible reading, organising our summer services and running a holiday club.

During this time I was going through the discernment process for possible ordination in the Church of England. Following my work at All Saints, I moved to Eastbourne, with my wife Jo and our three wonderful children, Lydia (4), Nathanael (2) and Roman(1), to serve at All Souls Church. Again God provided all of our needs, and we are so grateful to those who gave at His prompting to make this happen. I have gained some great experience in preaching, leading services, baptism prep, organising events and seeing what goes into the day to day running of a church. Through my time as a Ministry Assistant I’ve attended the SGP’s Ministry Training Course which has been massively helpful, challenging and all round awesome!

Both churches have given the opportunity to test whether full-time ministry was God’s calling, for which I am immensely grateful. By God’s grace I’ve been approved for ordination training, which means we will be heading to Oakhill College, London in September. Being a ministry trainee has been one of the best things I’ve done, besides trusting Jesus the King and marrying my wife.

As well as testing a ministry call these years have really equipped me for the future. I am so grateful to those who have affirmed me, challenged me and modelled Jesus to me throughout my training. I cannot wait to see what the King has in store for my family and me!

– Summer 2012

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